Log in to Virtual Learning Environment of CEDPL:: SEUSL
Student Login
Username: seu.es.16.mg.123 (you can also use your email as username)
1. Sent by email - check your email and use the password in the email.
2. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password by click on lost password? link
**IMPORTANT: Change your password after first login and update your profile with correct email
If you have not received an email containing password (or for forgotten password), use lost password? option to reset your password
If you have any issues, contact at vle.cedpl@seu.ac.lk and mention your Registration No., Full Name, Course(BBA/BCOM/BA),Subject(if needed), Academic year, Current Year & Semester(2nd year 1st Semester) and
clearly describe your issue.
See this video for more help :